Eveni looming

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Eveni looming

Post by svennus »

Minu asjad.
Last edited by svennus on 13 May 2008, 21:49, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by svennus »

ets wrote:võiks vähemalt sisse mängida vm, keegi ei oska sul rütmiliselt seda mängida ja värki
See on õige point, aga lähipäevadel kuna mikrofon puudub hetkel.
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Post by svennus »

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Someday, i'm gonna find you,
i'm gonna show you my love.
From the first day I saw you,
i knew that you could me mine.
Your eye's are shiny like a bluest sky's,
your lips are sweet, and I tell no lies.
If I can't have you, i'm gonna be sad.
Belive me girl, I want you bad.

Girl, I'm gonna love you,
I'm gonna need you.
Where ever you are.
And you know, this true
You're not another one-night babe,
who I in the morning ask, who are you?

Next morning I found a letter,
you're going to Hollywood.
Now I see your, life's like a maze,
Is this the end of our days.
Damn girl, I made this song for you,
pretty much it say's that I love you.
Oh girl, I hope you can see,
when you come back here, will you marry me.

Girl, I'm gonna love you,
I'm gonna need you.
Where ever you are.
And you know, this true
You're not another one-night babe,
who I in the morning ask, who are you?

Girl, i'm gonna love you,
I'm gonna hold you.
Every inch of my heart,
So please love me, like I love you,
then we live forever, till death do us apart.

(viimase refrääni salmi alternatiiv versioon)

Girl, i'm gonna love you,
i'm gonna hold you.
Till the end of the world,
i'm gonna take you, far away.
Next morning when I wake up in my bed,
I remember that I'm still a gay.
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Post by Kirveraidur »

Hmm, tasuks ehk rohkem tähelepanu pöörata inglise keele lauseehitusele ja süntaksile.

Washburn archtop > VoxAC30
Rockids .
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Post by Rockids . »

Päris romantiline .. :D Khm.
Ma olen idioot, vabandan ebameeldivuste pärast.