
Posts: 79
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Post by kiuro »

2010. aasta teisel jaanuaril otsustasid 4 läänemaalast luua metalbändi, millele sai nimeks Dethvipera. Koheselt asus bänd ulatuslikult proove tegema ning juba kuu aega hiljem anti ka esimene live esinemine. 2010. aasta lõpus liitus bändiga uus vokalist ning asuti uue hooga esinema ja loomingut linti võtma. Nüüdseks on bänd jõudnud EP avaldada. Kolme tegutsemisaasta jooksul on lava jagatud paljude Eesti artistidega ning osa võetud mitmetest võistlustest ja festivalidest. Stiililiselt on Dethvipera loomingut raske liigitada, kuna lood on thrashist tänapäevaliku karmima metalini.

27. juulil avalikustas bänd esimese mürgise metallisüsti "Injection".



Kris Kirs – vokaal
Kauri Sinkevicius – kitarr
Andrei Polovnjov – kitarr
Rauno Saarniit – basskitarr
Tanel Palmroos – trummid

Muusika, info, pildid, videod:


+372 56 214 324 - Tanel Palmroos
Posts: 79
Joined: 04 Feb 2008, 16:17
Location: Haapsalu

Re: Dethvipera

Post by kiuro »

Band Tour 2013 Tartu laivil on ka EP esmaesitus.

Posts: 79
Joined: 04 Feb 2008, 16:17
Location: Haapsalu

Re: Dethvipera

Post by kiuro »

Juba täna Tartus Rock'n'Roll Heavenis!

Ka Metal Recommendations viskas EP'le kõrva peale ja kirjutas, kuidas tundus.

'Injection' (EP) by Dethvipera

Damn, Estonia seems to be having a great time in terms of their metal scene. First, we got the chance to check out Soul Thrower, then Liblikas, and now Dethvipera. All three bands just show how diverse the Estonian metal scene really is, and also just how fantastic it all is. And with the release of their EP, Injection, it’s pretty obvious that Dethvipera has a lot going for them.

Overall, Dethvipera sounds like a cross between Metallica, Disturbed, and I want to say Judas Priest. Basically, these guys are a cross between NWOBHM, thrash and hard rock -- something that is both heavy, yet accessible. The cleaner vocals remind me a lot like David Draiman, but with the kind of power Rob Halford is known for. I dunno about you, but to me, that’s a pretty cool combination. Hell, I guess you could also say the guitar and bass riffing are also like a cross between the two genres – they’re fairly simple and catchy in nature, like hard rock, but with the kind of distortion you’d find with the old guard.

The four-song EP opens with ‘Shared Wealth’, and to me, it was a great way to introduce us, the listeners, to what Dethvipera is all about. It’s highly energetic, angry and an instant headbanger-worthy song, but there’s something about it as well. I dunno why, it just is. . I love the bass solo in ‘Shared Weath’, and vocalist Kris Kirs and drummer sound really strong in this particular song.

‘Injection’ appears to reveal their more thrashy roots, and is a lot more blatantly aggressive than its predecessor, yet it’s still highly melodic. I like it. ‘The Cloud’ is probably the dreaded b-word on the EP – the ballad. But don’t worry guys, it’s actually pretty sick. I mean, Five Finger Death Punch usually does a ballad on every album, and look at the tough persona they have. I also like the female vocals in this song, definitely a nice touch. The introduction to ‘Neon’ was great, I love hearing the bass and I wish more bands made it a bit easier to hear! This song definitely shows off their thrash metal influence and the screamed vocals were awesome. Think we could hear some more of it in the future?

I’m not gonna lie, I was actually kind of sad when Injection ended. Although Dethvipera is definitely a highly accessible band, they’re extremely good. Unfortunately, there seems to be the idea that these accessible bands, the ‘gateway’ bands are total crap, which isn’t true. Dethvipera is a good example of a gateway band that’s absolutely incredible. And think about it, Metallica is probably the most well-known metal band out there and they’re also a gateway band in their own right. I know there’s a real love-hate thing for the latter band, but seriously, think about it. They’re a big reason why the mainstream is aware of metal.

Anyways, back to Dethvipera. Overall, excellent EP. I really wish there was more material on Injection, because I enjoyed it a lot. You guys need to check these guys out. Seriously. They, like the bands I’ve reviewed in the past, definitely would make the Estonian scene proud. Good job guys.

Here’s their band site:

P.S.: Dethvipera goes on tour starting on August 5th. If you’re in the area, try and see if you can catch the band!
P.S.S.: I apologize, I couldn't find any album art to go with the EP.

Rating: 8.5/10
Notable Track(s): Shared Wealth
Bands You May Also Like: Disturbed, Metallica, Destrophy, Five Finger Death Punch, Avenged Sevenfold